High in vitamins A & C, and polyphenols
Plant source of essential fatty acids

Common Name:  Cupuacu
Botanical Name:  Theobroma grandiflorum
Habitat:  Brazilian rainforests

General:  The tree is native to the rainforests of Brazil and cultivated throughout the tropics.  It grows from 5 - 15 meters and produces a large fruit, often the size of a cantaloupe.   The fruit has a creamy and fragrant pulp, and is a favorite ingredient for juices and ice cream throughout Latin America.  It also has a long history of medicinal use.

Nutritional Information:  Cupuacu contains one of the strongest types of polyphenols, called theograndins.  Polyphenols are partially responsible for the healthful effects of green tea and grapes.  Cupuacu also contains high levels of vitamins A and C.  It is also rich in essential fatty acids, and is a valuable plant source for those who do not eat fish.


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